在所有的文章後,加上'西藏獨立!Free Tibet!達賴喇嘛萬歲!'等等字眼,這麼一來應該可以讓山塞地區的用戶上不了我的部落格.看不見文章內容的話,就無法抄襲了.
I realised with dismay a few days ago that a certain travel blog with a .cn domain name has plagiarised one of my blog entries, written in May 2008, about ferry travels in Greece.
As it is known all over the world that China has shown little respect with regard to copyrights issues et al., some friends suggested the best way to hit out against internet piracy and plagiarism is to add certain politically sensitive words such as 'Free Tibet!', 'Long Live Dalai Lama!', etc. to my articles. Since search engines in China automatically filter web sites containing these terms, my blog will probably be blocked by the filters, thus become inaccessible to users in China.
Once they cannot access the contents of my blog, there will be no worries about plagiarism from Chinese bloggers in the future.
Sorry for adding these politically charged terms to most articles written in the Chinese language. Thanks for bearing with the slogans. Hopefully this gesture will suffice to deter future plagiarism from .cn domains.
Otherwise I would be obliged to resort to more 'provocative terms' or even start writing critical commentaries about current political, social and economic crisis in China. Bet with you some harsh comments about the country's human rights records or social policies would ensure my blog be permanently blocked by Chinese web filters.