目前分類:illy dog 柴犬狗狗 Shiba Inu (3)

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Usually we take Illy to a professional dog groomer once a week to have a bath, but it turns out to be quite costly, so we decided to do it ourselves and reduce the frequency of her visit to the groomer to once a month instead.

But the problem of bathing a shiba inu at home is, how to ensure that all of her thick furs are dry?? The first few attempts at blow-dry end up with a semi-dry shiba - we had to dry her up in the sun, not sure if she would suffer from a sunstroke by being there for more than half an hour - until someone told us to try out the following tip:


Get a big box and put her inside. Illy was a bit confused about what she was supposed to be doing in this box. As it turned out, the only box which was big enough at home for this maneuver is this one from a TV home-shopping channel: it looks like we had just opened a gift box and found a Shiba Inu delivered to our doorstep!

M40 間諜米格鲁 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Little illy, our Shiba Inu puppy, has already quite a few nicknames given her tender age of 5 months: depending on the occasion, she is called H.R.H Little Princess illy, illy Dog, illy 狗狗 (illy the Doggy), 夜店小公主 (in English= Party Girl illy), and 打屁狗狗 (Doggy that loves to hang around doing nothing in particular).

我們的小柴犬寶寶 illy 雖然只是五個月大, 已經有好幾個綽號,分別是: illy小公主殿下, illy Dog, illy 狗狗, 夜店小公主,以及打屁狗狗.



H.R.H. Little Princess illy enjoying her afternoon nap on the sofa after her weekly bath. She likes to snoggle up close and personal. Give her a rub on her belly and she will begin to fall asleep.

叫她 illy 小公主,因為她吃的是一包250大洋的零食,每一包要價 850大洋的高級狗食,用的是一瓶五六百塊的進口天然寵物洗毛精 (我自己使用的洗髮精一瓶才五十大洋 ....),如果請人替她洗澡梳毛,一次要價比我去剪髮還貴....

M40 間諜米格鲁 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

In the last few weeks, we were preoccupied with Illy, the intelligent little Shiba Inu pup who arrives at our household kind of unexpected. Actually I have always wanted a beagle as a house dog, but it turns out that our first dog in more than 10 years is a Shiba Inu (of all breeds) !!

Smiling Illy 

Her favourite activities include: running and jumping around the house; digging the corners and walls; playing ball and playing with little rocks. It is actually very dangerous for doggies to play with rocks, because they might get stuck in the intestines but Little Illy ignores our warnings. Since our front yard where she goes for potty is full of gravel, we have to put a hood around her neck to prevent her from playing with the rocks.

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