
Little illy, our Shiba Inu puppy, has already quite a few nicknames given her tender age of 5 months: depending on the occasion, she is called H.R.H Little Princess illy, illy Dog, illy 狗狗 (illy the Doggy), 夜店小公主 (in English= Party Girl illy), and 打屁狗狗 (Doggy that loves to hang around doing nothing in particular).

我們的小柴犬寶寶 illy 雖然只是五個月大, 已經有好幾個綽號,分別是: illy小公主殿下, illy Dog, illy 狗狗, 夜店小公主,以及打屁狗狗.



H.R.H. Little Princess illy enjoying her afternoon nap on the sofa after her weekly bath. She likes to snoggle up close and personal. Give her a rub on her belly and she will begin to fall asleep.

叫她 illy 小公主,因為她吃的是一包250大洋的零食,每一包要價 850大洋的高級狗食,用的是一瓶五六百塊的進口天然寵物洗毛精 (我自己使用的洗髮精一瓶才五十大洋 ....),如果請人替她洗澡梳毛,一次要價比我去剪髮還貴....



One of her favourite dog snacks: little dog cookies with cheese flavour. Before she gets one of these cookies, she is told to sit down and raise her paws (Shake hands!) and wait for the permission to eat.



The reason why she is also called 打屁狗狗 is because before and/or after doing her potty in the front yard, she likes to hang around looking for anything that moves and chase after them. Or looking for corners to dig - especially when she feels bored or neglected, she will find a corner and start digging the wall. Sometimes she even plays with small rocks and pebbles just to annoy us: whenever I tell her to 'Open the mouth and spit it out!', she will spit out the rock and retrieves it almost immediately with her paw or her mouth, as if telling me 'Look, I have done what you told me but you did not say I cannot take the pebble back in my mouth again!'


When she is not digging our walls or playing with pebbles in the front yard, she will focus her energies on shoes.

除了挖牆角的石頭之外,illy Dog 最大的嗜好可能是玩咬鞋子.尤其是塑膠拖鞋....


Copyrights 2009. All Rights Reserved. All text and photos by YC Cheng.


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