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A. 希臘藥妝店:天然美妝保養品的天堂


1. Korres Natural Products 的藥妝品 : 談到希臘藥妝保養品,第一個想到的一定是 Korres; Korres 可以算是希臘國寶級的天然藥妝品牌。

創立於1996年,Korres 的品牌宗旨就是使用希臘本土的天然藥草與植物,創造出不含人工添加物與有害化學成分的保養品與美妝品。每一種 Korres 產品的包裝上,都有詳細注明產品的天然成分之百分比,以及產品的詳細成分。最重要的是,Korres 的產品不使用任何含有 Parabens 化合物,Mineral Oil 礦物油,或者 Silicones 這些會造成皮膚阻塞的化工副產品。

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1. 人要衣裝,佛要金裝:請穿的像樣一點再出門。不需要滿身名牌(這樣子他們反而認爲你是俗氣暴發戶),但是一定要整齊有時尚感。就算是穿球鞋也要穿得有格調。

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For many years, I had used Lancaster's Lily Nectar & Iris Florentina Alcohol-free Softening Perfecting Toner until someone told me that Lancaster used vivisection (animal-testing) to test their cosmetic products. Since my favourite breed of dog is beagle, and beagles are often used for animal-testing because they are docile, uniform in size and easy to handle, I decided to give up on facial toners manufactured by well-known cosmetic firms and turn to organic products instead.

The problem with organic products is, they are usually very expensive and not all of them are suitable for my skin. Given the lack of reasonably priced alternatives, I resorted to using French thermal water sprays as facial toners ...

This lasted for a while until I was introduced to 100% pure rose water (rose hydrosol) produced in the region of Isparta, Turkey, while on holidays there. Turkish 100% pure rose water is obtained by distilling the petals of rose damascena and by separating the resultant essential rose oil from the hydrosol. 100% pure rose water is colourless and has a very  light yet pleasant natural smell that reminds me of freshly cut roses with a greenish, leafy note.

gulsuyu_natural dogal.jpg

100% natural rose water from Isparta are usually packaged in cheap-looking translucent plastic bottles. But they should not be judged by their looks only. They might not look pretty on the outside, but these 100% pure rose  hydrosols are of very good quality, and prices are very reasonable. I personally think that it is nonsense to spend 15 or 20 euros on a small bottle  (i.e. around 100ml) of beautifully packaged so-called 'rose water'' from one of the well-known brands such as Jurlique , Kiehl's or Crabtree & Evelyn. More often than not, these well-known brands will charge you exorbitant prices for their rose water toners just because they add a few drops of essential oils or rose fragrance into their concoctions. In some cases, these 'rosewater toners' are not made from 100% pure rose water at all, but are mixed with paraben-based additives and other preservatives to prolong their shelf life. 

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(圖片:http://www.travelblog.org/Photos/  Photo by S. & S. Testa)
這張照片連我看了都心兒亂跳 怪不得C.S.Lewis的長篇故事'那尼亞傳奇'裡的小男孩Edmund,為了這些軟糖,把他的兄弟姐妹都出賣了...

(Photo taken from AMHB Official Website)

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1.) 橄欖+橄欖油
橄欖油出產國.愛琴海沿海的橄欖樹品種與西歐其他的主要橄欖油出產國,如西班牙,意大利,法國,希臘,等, 完全不一樣,所以土耳其的橄欖油,在口感,香氣,味道上,都要比西歐其他的產區來得濃厚香純,最適合用來拌沙拉,烹調食品(e.g. 意大利式面食),或者直接塗在面包上配面包吃.
土耳其愛琴海沿海的橄欖樹品種,如Ayvalik,Izmir等,基因與以色列,敘利亞等國的橄欖樹品種相近;經由冷壓法所榨出來的特級橄欖油(extra-virgin olive oil),酸度低於0.1%,品質屬於橄欖油中最好最上等的,所以價格也要比一般的西歐產橄欖油來得昂貴.
-Marmara Region:包括Balikesir,Ayvalik那附近的區域
-Aegean Coast:Ayvalik,Izmir,Aydin,Nazilli,Mugla區域

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Some up-market hotels offer in-house massage service with great view of the Aegean Sea, where you can rest and relax, enjoy the sea breeze, sip a glass of cocktail and have a massage in one of the private huts.

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