於西元前七世紀, Side 位於 Antalya 東方大約一個小時車程的地方,是一個濱海小鎮,也是古希臘與古羅馬時代一個非常重要的港口城市,經手的貨品包括橄欖油和奴隸貿易. Side 這個名字的意思是石榴 (pomegranate). 歷經 Lycian, 波斯帝國,亞歷山大大帝, 羅馬帝國, 拜占庭等等朝代的統治, Side城區,處處充滿了古羅馬時代的大理石雕刻與建築.

大多數的景點都集中在 Antik Side 那一帶,最著名的就是靠海的Temple of Apollo 遺址.
Side is situated about an hour outside the city of Antalya. The town of Side is divided into two parts:modern Side and Antik Side. Most of the sights are located within the Antik Side district.
Although Side could get fairly touristy in the summer months, in winter it is a dainty quiet little town full of beautiful ancient ruins dated from the Hellenistic era and the Roman times.
One of the most famous landmarks of Side is the ruins of the Temple of Apollo right on the edge of the ancient town, just a few minutes' walk from the harbour. Built in the 2nd century A.D., the Temple is a fine example of Roman marble architecture. The remaining columns stand majestically against the backdrop of blue sea and blue sky. In the evening, the view of sunset across the vast ocean was stunning. Someone calls it 'the most romantic place' in Side, as lovers hang out after dark and adore the beautiful view of the moon over the Temple and its reflection on the sea.
Temple of Apollo 側面照:建於公元二世紀, Apollo 神廟的羅馬式建築廢墟靜立在海邊. 傍晚時分,這裡是情侶們最喜歡 '曬月亮' 的地點, 被當地居民稱為 Side 最浪漫的地方. 

Side's history dated from 7 century B.C., when it was founded by settlers from Cyme (modern day north-western Asia Minor). The town was prized for its harbour and became an important centre of olive oil trade. In the following centuries, the city came under Lycian, Persian, Greek and Roman rules. Alexander the Great conquered Side in 333 B.C. while on his way to the East. In 25 B.C., Side was incorporated into the Roman Province of Galatia by the first Roman Emperor, Augustus. Most of the ruins found within the confines of Antik Side were built during the periods of prosperity under the Roman rule.

When I visited Side for the first time in September 2004, there were so many visitors walking around the compound of the Temple, that it was next to impossible to take a photo without anyone walking right across. The best time to visit Side and this part of Turkey is actually in the pre-season (March - May, October - Decemeber) when many of the shops and hotels are already open for business but the plane loads of tourists from Europe and Russia have not yet touched down at Antalya Airport.

從 Antik Side (舊Side) 遠盼Side: 那天的風非常大,海邊的樹全被風吹得晃來晃去.因為是三月初,遊客並不算多,
觀光客還沒大批降落在 Antalya 機場
, 但是氣候已經相當暖和,物價比旺季便宜,也不像七八月那麼的熱,到處人

Most modern developments in Side, including hotels, resorts and other tourist infrastructre, are located
on the outskirt of Side town. Taurus Mountains can be seen in the background.

The whole Antik Side is an open-air museum. Ruins of colonnade, amphitheater, agora and houses mingle with modern infrastructures such as paved roads and street lightings. Unlike most other ancient sites in Turkey, where ruins are located at some distance away from the modern town, the archeological treasures of Side exist side by side with the inhabitants' everyday life.

Side 的特色就是幾千年的古文明遺跡與現代的設備併肩共存, 整個鎮就是一個露天博物館,規模不輸 Ephesus 或者 Perge .

After all the walk through the ruins and the old stones, it's time for a cup of coffee!

My favourite coffee: illy coffe from Trieste.

I first started to drink 'real' coffee while on a visit to the pretty Italian port city of Trieste, where the world famous
expresso coffee powder manufacturer illy has its headquarters. The city is very well-known for its atmospheric coffee houses, James Joyce spent a lot of time hanging around the coffee houses while living and teaching English in Trieste.
Nowadays no matter where I go, it is almost imperative to find a decent cafe where they serve illy coffee. Maybe it's
just my opinion, but I think Latte Macchiato tastes best when it is brewed with illy coffee beans. A good cup of Latte Macchiato, served in a pretty tall glass, costs 5 YTL (3 euro) and is a decent price for any illy cafe.

How to Go:
By Air: Nearest Airport is Antalya. Please see my article on Kas and Kastelorizo for information on flights from major cities in Turkey and Western Europe to Antalya.
From Antalya Airport, take a taxi to the highway crossing outside airport entrance gate. (5 minutes, about 10 YTL) From there, flag down any bus that goes to Manavgat, Alanya, Konya, Adana or anywhere in the East. Ask the driver to drop you off at Side Kavsagi/Kavsak (Side Junction), about 30 minutes from the airport junction. From there, wait at the roadside for a minibus that pendles between Manavgat and Side (every 5 minutes, to Antik Side  2.25 YTL). Get off at the Amphitheatre.

By Bus: From Antalya bus station, take any bus that goes to Manavgat, Alanya, Konya, Kayseri, Adana, Hatay... etc. and get off at Side Kavsagi as instructed above. Same procedure applies.

Copyrights 2008. All photos and texts by YC Cheng. All rights reserved. Alle Rechte Vorbehalten.


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