目前分類:有關公共交通資訊 How to use Long-distance Buses, Cross-border Ferries, and Domestic Ferry/Airlines Networks in Turkey and Greece: Tips and Advice (15)

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一直以來,網路上以訛傳訛的東西很多,就好像究竟如何搭乘公共交通工具從 Selcuk 到 Izmir 機場,也是衆說紛紜,其實老實說一句,從 Selcuk 到 Izmir 機場,方法很多,但是百分之95以上的台灣背包客,只用過其中一 種,所以他們的意見最多就是當做參考用,不要把他們說的交通方式當成是唯一絕對正確的方式。


1. 搭乘 Atlasjet 的班機從 Izmir 機場到 Istanbul. 這麼一來,你就有權利乘搭 Atlasjet 提供的免費接駁巴士從 Selcuk 市中心直接出發到 Izmir 機場的國内線航站門口。

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A) 從伊斯坦堡 Ataturk 機場起飛的有:

1. Atlasjet    http://www.atlasjet.com

這是一間相當不錯的航空公司,主要股東是土耳其旅遊業知名公司 ETS Tur. 雖然國内航線不多, 但他們有提供從 Istanbul Ataturk 機場(IST) 直飛 Izmir, Antalya, Dalaman, Bodrum, Adana, 北塞普路斯的 Lefkosa, 以及伊拉克北部庫爾德族自治區的 Erbil, Sulemaniye 等城市。

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a.Izmir 機場到市區之公共交通工具

- Havas Bus 機場巴士: 有機場到 Alsancak,機場到 Karsiyaka - Mavisehir, 與機場到 Izmir Otogar 三條路線

- ESHOT 公共巴士


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Turkey's national carrier, Turkish Airlines, will operate a direct flight from Izmir to Athens, thus saving all travellers the need to fly via Istanbul.

TK 1844 Izmir - Athens will depart Izmir's Adnan Menderes Airport (ADB) every Monday, Wednedsday, Thursday and Saturday at 06:00, arriving at Athens International Airport at 07:00 local time. There is no time difference between Izmir and Athens.

TK 1843 Athens - Izmir will depart Athens International Airport (ATH) every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday at 23:20, arriving at Izmir's ADB airport at 00:20.

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There are several hundred bus companies in the whole of Turkey, serving both major cities and small villages throughout the country. Many foreign visitors who speak little or no Turkish, however, find it intimidating to venture around this beautiful country by bus due to language barriers, despite the presence of a highly comprehensive and efficient long-distance bus systems.

Unlike in Greece, where several private travel agencies compile comprehensive database that provide up-to-date sailing schedules and ticket price of most domestic ferry routes, there are no such thing yet for inter-city bus routes in Turkey. Which means: the only way independent travellers who speak no Turkish can obtain up-to-date bus time-tables and prices is to check with the bus ticket office in person upon arrival at the bus station (known as Otogar, Terminali, or Garaj in Turkish) in Turkey, and hope to find a bus connection that meets their schedule,

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It seems there is a long-standing problem that foreign tourists visiting Goreme for the first time tend to be dropped off prematurely at Nevsehir bus station, although their ticket stated clearly that their final destination should be Goreme...

To be honest, it is not easy to tell when you board the bus in Istanbul or Ankara whether the bus will stop at Goreme station en route to Nevsehir, or it really by-passes Goreme and go directly to Nevsehir.

It is probably easier if one simply buys a ticket from Istanbul or Ankara to Kayseri instead, then change bus at Kayseri's huge bus station to Goreme. In this case, there is no danger of one being dumped at Nevsehir because the Istanbul-Kayseri or Ankara-Kayseri buses DO NOT go via Nevsehir. Hence you can be sure you won't be dropped off prematurely.

However, if one insists on taking one of those so-called 'direct' buses serving Istanbul/Ankara - Goreme, and finds himself indeed being told to get off at Nevsehir, be calm. There are a few possibilities:

1. The so-called 'direct' bus is actually not a direct service at all, but all passengers - Turkish or foreign - are required to get off at Nevsehir and change to a free shuttle service (so-called service bus, usually operated by the same bus comapny using mini-vans). If everybody (including all Turkish passengers) gets off the big bus, observe their movements. Normally 2 or 3 small vans operating the free shuttle service will appear almost immediately. One of those mini-vans heads to Urgup, another to Goreme. Ask which one goes to Urgup and which one goes to Goreme. These shuttle services are free and there is no need to pay anything extra for the bus.

2. If there are still passengers remaining on the bus, you can reasonably suspect that Nevsehir is not the final destination of this bus.


See the white mini vans in the photo? These are the free shuttle service that ferry passengers from Nevsehir bus station to Urgup and Goreme.

For those of you who have never been to either Goreme or Nevsehir before, but holds a ticket which stated that your final destination is Goreme, it is important to know how Nevsehir's bus station looks like, in case you are told by bus driver and attendant to get off prematurely at Nevsehir:


Front view of Nevsehir's bus station (Otogar/Terminali). If you are supposed to go to Goreme on a 'direct' bus, this place is not your final destination.

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Here are some latest reviews of bus companies serving some of the more popular routes frequented by tourists visiting Turkey:

A) Istanbul - Ankara: Kamil Koc

At least a dozen companies serve this route and competition is fierce; in Dec 2008 I travelled from Istanbul to Ankara with one of my favourite Turkish bus companies, Kamil Koc. The journey took 6 hours and cost 40YTL. The price is about 5-10YTL more expensive than other bus companies; I tried to negotiate for some discounts, but to no avail: because the bus used for that particular departure is more up-market and spacious than ordinary buses; instead of the usual 2-2 seating arrangement, this particular bus adopts a 1-2 seating configuration. As a result, there are more legrooms and space between each seat, and it makes the journey much more comfortable. In addition, wireless internet is available on the bus if you have your own laptop with you, which allows passengers to surf the web during the journey. The in-journey snack service offers more options than what are otherwise available: cheese sandwiches, a wide selection of pastries and snacks as well as several kinds of fruit juice and other beverages. 


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A)伊斯坦堡 Ataturk國際機場 Ataturk International Airport (代碼 IST):
- 位在伊斯坦堡歐洲那一邊,到市中心有地鐵,公車與 Havas 機場巴士可以使用.車程大約四十分鐘.
- 以土耳其共和國建立者 Mustafa Kemal Ataturk 命名

大多數從亞洲,美國,中東來的班機,都是使用這個機場,例如土耳其航空Turkish Airlines (TK),
阿酋航空 Emirates Airlines (EK) 的班機,新加坡航空 Singapore Airlines (SQ),大韓航空 Korean Air (KE),
 馬來西亞航空 Malaysian Airways (MH) 等等.
注意:從亞洲伊斯坦堡的班機,沒有飛到Sabiha Gokcen (SAW) 機場的班次,一律在Ataturk (IST)機場降落.
歐洲各大城市每日也有許多班機抵達 Istanbul Ataturk 機場.


Ataturk 機場有分成國際航站 (International Terminal) 與國內航站(Domestic Terminal),兩者距離不遠,有室內走道連接這兩個航 站,步行大約400公尺(10分鐘).

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UPDATE: Good news finally: Greece's Aegean Airlines (http://www.aegeanair.com), a member of the Star Alliance, will launch a direct Athens-Istanbul (Ataturk) daily service, with effect from 09 September 2009. For those who want to visit both Istanbul and the Cyclade Islands within a few days, there is now the option of flying from Istanbul to Mykonos, Santorini, Naxos etc. via Athens.
If you are in Thessaloniki or anywhere in Northern Greece (the province of Macedonia, Thessaly, Thrace) and you want to go to Edirne, Istanbul or anywhere along the Black Sea coast of Turkey, then it is easier to go by bus.
UPDATE: As of January 2011, all train services between Istanbul and Thessaloniki have been suspended.
A) BY BUS: Turkish bus companies Varan and Ulusoy operate long distance inter-city bus that departs Athens, Larissa, Thessaloniki, Alexandroupolis in Greece and drops off passenger at Edirne or Kesan en route to Istanbul.

Check up time-table and schedule at:

Apparently Kamil Koc also operates long distance bus between Greece and Istanbul, but their website does not offer any international time-table. It is advisable to ask details about price and availability at one of their offices in Turkey.

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It seems there is a growing demand for information about possible transportation links between Turkey and Greece, so I decided to write something about how to get to Greece from Turkey (and vice versa):

The cheapest and easiest way to cross over to Greece from Turkey is by sea using ferries and small passenger boats. As of 2011, following sea routes to seven Greek islands and one mainland destination are available:
- A) Turkey <-> Rhodes:
        -) Marmaris <-> Rhodes Town
        -) Fethiye <-> Rhodes Town
        -) Bodrum <-> Rhodes Town (note: as of March 2011, it is not certain if this route will be resumed for the summer season of 2011 from May - Sept. Please check with http://www.feribot.net  for further details)
- B) Turkey <-> Samos
        -) Kusadasi <-> Vathi (Samos)

- C) Turkey <-> Kastelorizo (Meis Adasi)
        -) Kas <-> Kastelorizo

- D) Turkey <-> Symi 
        -) Datca - Symi (Operates on saturdays only. The name of the ferry company which operates the Symi-Datca catamaran is the Dodecanissos Seaways, www.12ne.gr  They have a sales and ticketing agent in Datca. )

- E) Turkey <-> Kos
     -) Bodrum <-> Kos Town
        -) Turgutreis <-> Kos Town
        -) Didim <-> Kos Town
- F) Turkey <-> Chios
       -) Cesme - Chios

- G) Turkey <-> Mytilini (Mytilene, Lesvos)
       -) Ayvalik <-> Mytilini
       -) Dikili <-> Mytilini (Note: this ferry service operates 2-3 times a week)
       -) Foca <-> Mytilini (in summer only)

- H) Turkey <-> Piraeus (Athens)
       -) Istanbul <-> Piraeus (note: this is not a scheduled service, please double check with travel agents in Istanbul for further details)
- I) Turkey <-> Patmos (via Turgutreis)
       -) Turgutreis - Patmos: this is a new route which starts operation in May 2011.

- J) Turkey <-> Kalymnos (via Turgutreis)
       -) Turgutreis <-> Kalymonos: this is a new route which starts operation in May 2011.


1. Marmaris <-> Rhodes (by catamaran,hydrofoil and conventional car ferry)

2. Fethiye <-> Rhodes (by catamaran/hydrofoil)

     --------> For latest Summer 2011 Marmaris - Rhodes - Marmaris time-table and prices, see:
For those who want to travel from Rhodes to Marmaris, or to take the Greek registered hydrofoil/ferry departing Marmaris in the afternoon (instead of with the Turkish-registered M/V Marmaris Express or M/F Yesil Marmaris which depart in the morning), please check the following websites for further information, as tickets for the afternoon departure to Rhodes from Marmaris cannot be purchased from travel agents in Turkey unless otherwise stated.



The International Harbour of Rhodes Town. Ferries and catamarans to and from Turkey depart from there.

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許多的觀光客對土耳其的巴士系統完全 '捉無蛇' (摸不清楚的意思), 因為:
2. 而且大部分巴士公司自己的網頁只有土耳其文, 看也看懂.
4.即便某一間巴士公司確實有 A 到 B 車班,奇怪的事是,公司網站所提供時間表不知何故老是顯示 '無此班次' 
舉一個例子:某巴士公司(Metro Turizm)Safranbolu經由Ankara換車到Goreme(Nevsehir)的班次,也有反向的回程班次,但是公司網站有時只能查到Goreme(Nevsehir)-Ankara的班次,有時則更誇張,連Goreme出發的班次也找不到,網站只有提供Nevsehir-Ankara的班次資訊.
的車子,通常會經過Marmaris的外環道路,乘客可以在那裡上下車,但是因為車子不進去Marmaris Otogar載客,加上車子抵達Marmaris外環道路的時間也不一定,所以巴士公司網頁電腦資料庫查詢系統就乾脆不列入這種車班,只有Mugla-Dalaman-Fethiye-Antalya可供查詢.然而所有有經驗的人都知道,Mugla-Fethiye只有那麼一條公路,想也知道所有的Mugla-Fethiye班次一定會經過Marmaris的外環道路;就算電腦資料庫查班次也沒有關係,只要靠經驗,在車子快要抵達外環道路時去路邊等,上車之後再買票就可以了.


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有許多棧友對購買希臘船票,查詢船班時間表等等事務, 有一些程序上的疑問.



一般說來, 船班時間表在離出發日期大約一兩個月前會正式公布並開始開放訂位購票.

但是在淡季(一月到五月底, 以及十月到十二月), 有時船班時間表會在離出發日期大約一兩個星期前才正式公布,並且輸入電腦售票系統裡面供人訂購. 因此有時會有四月查不到六月的船班時間的情況,或者查到了班次但是無法網上購票等等.這是很正常的現象,不需要太過緊張.





我自己本身也都是到了一個小島之後, 再購買到下一個目的地的船票, 因為:

A)有時船班會因天氣因素而突然取消或者嚴重誤點–如果已經在海外就買了票,有可能就無法隨機應變,搭乘任何不同的船公司的船班離開.如果想臨時更改行程, 在某一個小島多逗留 幾天也不行.

B)可以省下一筆相當可觀的預訂手續費 (注意:在希臘旅行社船票是不用付手續費的,當場買,船票上的價錢印多少就付多少,千萬別被騙了)








等等都顯示有船班,但是就是無法網上訂位-售票系統的資訊總是顯示所有的位置已經售完.但是當我在Kalymnos詢問船票時,空位子一大堆,整船大約只有六成滿.原因其實很簡單:因為這些查詢網站不是航行Kalymnos– Rhodes 的那間船公司的授權代理業者,因此無法售票.

同樣的道理,有許多航行在小島之間的船班,不是由大型的船公司,而是由私人漁船或者較小的船改裝而成的渡輪.這些私人的渡輪,大多只在旺季行駛,其船票是無法在查詢網站或者其他的地方的旅行社買到的.通常我到了一個小島之後, 就會發現其實可供選擇的班次,遠比在其他地方所能查詢到的航班要來得太多了.

舉例來說,從Rhodes到Kastelorizo的許多私人船班,以及從Kalymnos到Mastichari,Kastelorizo到Kas的船班,Rhodes到Nissyros etc. 就是屬於這種網上查不到,但是的確存在的航班. 許多的外來訪客可能會因為在查詢網站或者其他的地方的旅行社查不到有關這些航班的消息,誤以為這些航段沒有渡輪來往而選擇更改行程或取消拜訪這些地方的念頭, 那就太可惜了.




A) Car Ferry: 載客+客車+貨車,通常臨時買票不是問題.

B) Catamaran: 新一代的快船, 有一些可載客,再加上數目有限的車輛(長寬高都有限制); 有些則只載客, 不載車輛. 因為座位數目有限, 旺季時最好早二三天訂購. Hellenic Seaways有幾艘新設計的快船,可乘的乘客與車輛數目不輸一般的傳統 Car Ferry.


C) Hydrofoil:高速飛船, 只載客, 不載車輛.因為座位數目有限, 旺季時最好早二三天訂購.


D) Caique:小漁船改裝而成的渡輪,只載客, 不載車輛.




與其他的希臘渡輪網站所不同的是,這裡不止可以查到A 點到 B點的航班時間,也可以查到所有從A 點出發的航班.


最常使用船公司網站 - 直接訂購,出發港口所在地代理旅行社取票,無手續費

Hellenic Seaways

主要路線: Crete - Santorini - Paros - Mykonos; (summer only service)

              Rafina - Paros - Naxos - Mykonos;

              Piraeus - Syros - Paros - Naxos - Mykonos;

              Piraeus - Santorini;

              Piraeus - Syros - Karlovassi (Samos)- Vathi (Samos);

                      -----> daily in summer months, only once a week in winter

              Piraeus - Chios - Lesbos;

              Piraeus/Rafina - Saronic Gulf (Aegina, Hydras, Poros et al) and Sporades Islands

2009 年度夏季新路線: Piraeus - Syros - Mykonos - Chios - Mytilini (Lesvos)



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